Tuesday, July 10, 2018


At first you may think you are playing as ZELDA®️ in the video games, but you are actually playing as LINK, ZELDA'S appointed knight, who in nearly all the LEGEND OF ZELDA®️ games, uses the MASTER SWORD, ®️which in BREATH OF THE WILD®️ if you ''break'' it it'll re-generate and be as if you had never used it which is useful, but don't us it all the time, 'cause it needs 10 minutes to recharge before you use it after it ''breaks'' .So don't us it all the time or you'l be in a jam, use it, and''break''it, and you'l die, unless you have more swords. You need 13 heart's on the wii-u®️ to pull out the MASTER  SWORD which you need to kill CALAMITY GANON  after beating the DIVINE BEASTS, an ELEPHANT,BIRD,LIZARD and CAMEL. I don't know how many one needs on the 
SWITCH®️ 'cause I just started on our SWITCH.

the rusty master sword is in the Z of ZELDA®️

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